Soulpreneur Success 6 month Blueprint Program

Join our six-month program tailored for entrepreneurs. This is a transformative six-month entrepreneurial journey, designed to empower visionaries like you. In this program, we delve deep into the core elements of successful entrepreneurship, offering a unique blend of strategic guidance, creative innovation, and spiritual preparedness.

Join us in this transformative journey and let’s craft a future where your entrepreneurial spirit thrives, your purpose shines, and your impact resonates far and wide.

Develop creative, insightful, and quantum thinking to lead cutting-edge ventures. Focus on spiritual preparedness and business setup, tapping into your internal power for a soul-nourishing, profitable business.

Unleash your limitless potential, understand your value as an entrepreneur, and explore innovative, meaningful work leading to prosperity. Build your personal brand, lead authentically, enhance confidence, and expand your potential.

A woman in black jacket and white shirt.
A woman in a suit and tie


This program is for you if

Investing in the well-being of your employees isn’t just good for your workforce; it’s good for business. Join us in creating a healthier, happier, and more productive workplace.

Elevate your organization with our Corporate Wellness Program. Together, we’ll inspire wellness, one employee at a time.

Key Points

What Sets Our Corporate Wellness Program Program Apart:

Tailored Expertise

Emphasize your unique background, skills, and experience that specifically cater to entrepreneurs. Whether you have a successful entrepreneurial journey, a background in business management, or expertise in a niche market, your specialized knowledge makes you invaluable.

Holistic Approach:

Highlight your holistic coaching approach. Address not only business strategies but also focus on personal development, mindset shifts, and work-life balance. Entrepreneurs often face unique challenges, and a holistic approach ensures you provide well-rounded support.

Mental Health Support:

In today's fast-paced world, mental health is paramount. Our program includes resources and strategies to help employees manage stress, anxiety, and maintain emotional wellness.

Tailored Strategies:

Emphasize your ability to develop customized strategies for each entrepreneur. Avoid one-size-fits-all solutions; instead, demonstrate your capacity to understand individual needs and design personalized action plans tailored to their specific goals and challenges.

Empathetic Listening:

Stress your excellent listening skills and empathetic approach. Entrepreneurs often need someone who truly understands their struggles. Being an empathetic listener fosters trust and rapport, creating a safe space for entrepreneurs to discuss their challenges openly.

Proven Results:

Showcase past successes and testimonials from entrepreneurs you've coached. Demonstrating tangible results, such as successful business launches, revenue growth, or improved work-life balance, provides evidence of your coaching effectiveness.

A woman in white shirt and black skirt.

Program Offerings:

Benefits for Your Organization:

what our clients are saying

Changing Lives. One Inspiring Story At A Time.

“I'm profoundly grateful for the incredible strides I've made with Myriam. She empowers you to transition into your full potential and discover your true self.”


A woman in a hat and black bra taking a selfie.

“Myriam has been my coach for the past few years. Her custom plans have helped me succeed in my business while maintaining my well-being. She's not just a coach; she's a friend who genuinely cares about my success.”


A woman standing in front of some trees

“Coaching with Myriam for the past six months has empowered me and given me a newfound sense of freedom. I've connected the mental, emotional, and spiritual dots, gaining self-understanding and inner clarity. Understanding my values was a game-changer for my vision, resulting in a balanced, fulfilling life and a business I genuinely adore. As a result, new opportunities have been presented to me and my career success is on the rise”

— V. Morales, Marketing Strategist

A woman in white dress standing next to pool.


Frequently Asked Questions

1: Why should I hire a coach for my entrepreneur business launch?

Hiring a coach for your business launch provides personalized guidance and expertise. Coaches help you refine your business idea, develop a solid business plan, and provide strategic insights. Their experience can prevent common pitfalls, ensuring a smoother launch and increasing your chances of success.

Coaches specializing in career change offer tailored guidance to help you identify your passions, skills, and ideal career path. They provide structured assessments, personalized coaching sessions, and actionable steps to transition successfully. With their support, you can navigate the job market, enhance your resume, and excel in interviews, making your career change journey more effective and efficient.
Entrepreneurs benefit from a coach’s expertise in various areas, including business strategy, marketing, leadership, and time management. Coaches offer objective perspectives, accountability, and support, empowering entrepreneurs to set and achieve clear goals. They act as sounding boards, offering valuable insights and helping entrepreneurs stay focused on their vision.
Yes, absolutely. Coaches work on mindset and confidence-building exercises, helping entrepreneurs overcome self-doubt and imposter syndrome. They provide support, encouragement, and techniques to enhance self-belief. With a coach’s guidance, you can cultivate a resilient mindset, enabling you to tackle challenges and uncertainties with confidence.
The timeline for seeing results varies based on individual goals, commitment, and the complexity of the situation. However, clients often start experiencing positive changes within a few sessions. A coach will work with you to set realistic, measurable goals and provide ongoing support to help you achieve them. Regular sessions and consistent effort are key to realizing meaningful and sustainable results in your business launch or career change journey.

Get Ready

Soulpreneur Success 6 month Blueprint Program

We recognize that employee wellness significantly affects productivity, work quality, interpersonal connections, collaboration, financial success, and the overall employee experience. Unlock employee potential with our strategic corporate wellness programs.
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